Mosaic Flow - Pinterest like responsive image grid for jQuery

Mosaic Flow is a Pinterest like responsive image or HTML grid plugin for jQuery.    Mosaic Flow - Features:

2014-02-06 01:40:36
Slippry - Responsive slider plugin for jQuery

Slippry is a responsive content slider plugin for jQuery. It is truly responsive, built on modern web standards and is packed with options, so it can

2014-03-30 08:54:54
Tocify - A jQuery Table of Contents plugin

Tocify is a jQuery plugin that dynamically generates a table of contents. Tocify can be optionally styled with Twitter Bootstrap

2014-01-21 08:16:05
MagicSuggest - Auto-suggest combo with bootstrap theme using jQuery

MagicSuggest is an auto-suggest combo with bootstrap theme using jQuery. It is a highly flexible auto suggest combo box

2013-12-13 03:48:00
jui_dropdown - provides a simple dropdown button menu

jui_dropdown is a jQuery plugin, provides a simple dropdown button menu (split button) and is jQuery UI themes compatible.

2013-12-13 08:44:46
Pinbox - build boxes like Pinterest

Pinbox is a Pinterest boxes jQuery plugin.   Pinbox - Features:

2014-03-04 03:24:35
annyang - adding voice commands to your site, using speech recognition

annyang is a javascript library for adding voice commands to your site, using speech recognition. This javascript speech recognition

2014-03-29 03:30:05
Smoothbox - A lightweight, responsive and simple lightbox alternative

Smoothbox is a lightweight, responsive and simple jQuery lightbox plugin.   Smoothbox - 

2014-09-09 15:31:43
Agile Carousel - jQuery Carousel / Slideshow Plugin

Agile Carousel is a JQuery Plugin that allows you to create a slideshow or carosuel. It's highly customizable so you can build according

2014-01-25 14:02:40
jQuery Transit - Super-smooth CSS3 transformations and transitions for jQuery

jQuery Transit is a plugin to help you do CSS transformations and transitions in jQuery. The transitions will happen much smoother

2014-09-21 16:08:45