
ignoreChildInput : boolean If ignoreChildInput is false it will allow this objects children to be considered as valid for Input events. If this property is true then the children will not be considered as valid for Input events. Note that this property isn't recursive: only immediate children are influenced, it doesn't scan further down. Inherited From PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer#ignoreChildInput Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js (Line 26)


height : number Gets or sets the current height of the game world. The world can never be smaller than the game (canvas) dimensions. Source code: core/World.js (Line 268)


hasProperty(child, key) → {boolean} Checks if the child has the given property. Will scan up to 4 levels deep only. Parameters Name Type Description child any The child to check for the existence of the property on. key Array.<string> An array of strings that make up the property. Returns boolean - True if the child has the property, otherwise false. Inherited From Phaser.Group#hasProperty Source code: core/Group.js (Line 1104)


hash :array The hash array is an array belonging to this Group into which you can add any of its children via Group.addToHash and Group.removeFromHash. Only children of this Group can be added to and removed from the hash. This hash is used automatically by Phaser Arcade Physics in order to perform non z-index based destructive sorting.However if you don't use Arcade Physics, or this isn't a physics enabled Group, then you can use the hash to perform your ownsorting and filtering of Group chi


getTop() → {any} Return the child at the top of this group. The top child is the child displayed (rendered) above every other child. Returns any - The child at the top of the Group. Inherited From Phaser.Group#getTop Source code: core/Group.js (Line 2204)


getRandomExists(startIndex, endIndex) → {any} Returns a random child from the Group that has exists set to true. Optionally you can specify a start and end index. For example if this Group had 100 children,and you set startIndex to 0 and endIndex to 50, it would return a random child from onlythe first 50 children in the Group. Parameters Name Type Argument Default Description startIndex integer <optional> 0 The first child index to start the search from. endIndex integer <o


getRandom(startIndex, length) → {any} Returns a random child from the group. Parameters Name Type Argument Default Description startIndex integer <optional> 0 Offset from the front of the group (lowest child). length integer <optional> (to top) Restriction on the number of values you want to randomly select from. Returns any - A random child of this Group. Inherited From Phaser.Group#getRandom Source code: core/Group.js (Line 2350)


getLocalBounds() → {Rectangle} Retrieves the non-global local bounds of the displayObjectContainer as a rectangle without any transformations. The calculation takes all visible children into consideration. Returns Rectangle - The rectangular bounding area Inherited From PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer#getLocalBounds Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js (Line 437)


getIndex(child) → {integer} Get the index position of the given child in this group, which should match the child's z property. Parameters Name Type Description child any The child to get the index for. Returns integer - The index of the child or -1 if it's not a member of this group. Inherited From Phaser.Group#getIndex Source code: core/Group.js (Line 1029)


getFurthestFrom(object, callback, callbackContext) → {any} Get the child furthest away from the given Object, with optional callback to filter children. This can be a Sprite, Group, Image or any object with public x and y properties. 'furthest away' is determined by the distance from the objects x and y properties compared to the childs x and y properties. You can use the optional callback argument to apply your own filter to the distance checks.If the child is closer then the previous child,