  • References/Game Development/LÖVE/

Font:getFilter Available since LÖVE 0.9.0 This function is not supported in earlier versions. Gets the filter mode for a font.

2025-01-10 15:47:30
  • References/Game Development/LÖVE/

Source:setPosition Available since LÖVE 0.7.0 This function is not supported in earlier versions. Sets the position of the Source. Please note

2025-01-10 15:47:30
  • References/Game Development/LÖVE/love/Types/Object

Object:type Gets the type of the object as a string. Function Synopsis

2025-01-10 15:47:30
  • References/Game Development/LÖVE/

Canvas:getDimensions Available since LÖVE 0.9.0 This function is not supported in earlier versions. Gets the width and height of the Canvas

2025-01-10 15:47:30
  • References/Game Development/LÖVE/love.filesystem

love.filesystem.areSymlinksEnabled Available since LÖVE 0.9.2 This function is not supported in earlier versions. Gets whether love.filesystem

2025-01-10 15:47:30
  • References/Game Development/LÖVE/love.physics/Fixture

Fixture:setMask Available since LÖVE 0.8.0 This method is not supported in earlier versions. Fixture:setMask works

2025-01-10 15:47:30
  • References/Game Development/LÖVE/love.physics/Shape

Shape:destroy Removed in LÖVE 0.8.0 This function is not supported in that and later versions. Explicitly destroys the Shape. When you don't have

2025-01-10 15:47:30
  • References/Game Development/LÖVE/love.physics/Shape

Shape:getCategoryBits Removed in LÖVE 0.8.0 Use

2025-01-10 15:47:30
  • References/Game Development/LÖVE/love.physics/Contact

Contact:setFriction Available since LÖVE 0.8.0 This function is not supported in earlier versions. Sets the contact friction.

2025-01-10 15:47:30
  • References/Game Development/LÖVE/love.physics/Joint/PrismaticJoint

PrismaticJoint:getJointSpeed Get the current joint angle speed. Function Synopsis

2025-01-10 15:47:30