Responsive helpers
  • References/HTML/Bootstrap/Utilities

Responsive helpers Responsive embeds Allow browsers to determine video or slideshow dimensions based on the width of their

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  • References/HTML/Bootstrap/Components

Jumbotron A lightweight, flexible component that can optionally extend the entire viewport to showcase key marketing messages on your site.

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Invisible content
  • References/HTML/Bootstrap/Utilities

Invisible content The .invisible class can be used to toggle only the visibility of an element, meaning its display is not modified

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  • References/HTML/Bootstrap/Utilities

Spacing Assign responsive-friendly margin or padding values to an element or a subset of its sides with shorthand classes. Includes

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Browsers and devices
  • References/HTML/Bootstrap/Getting started

Browsers and devices Bootstrap supports a wide variety of modern browsers and devices, and some older ones. See which exact ones below, as well as detailed

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  • References/HTML/Bootstrap/Content

Tables Due to the widespread use of tables across third-party widgets like calendars and date pickers, we’ve designed our tables to be opt-in

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  • References/HTML/Bootstrap/Getting started

Accessibility Bootstrap follows common web standards and—with minimal extra effort—can be used to create sites that are accessible to those using

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  • References/HTML/Bootstrap/Utilities

Colors Convey meaning through color with a handful of emphasis utility classes. These may also be applied to links and will darken on hover just like our default

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  • References/HTML/Bootstrap/Utilities

Flexbox Quickly manage the layout, alignment, and sizing of grid columns, navigation, components, and more with a full suite of responsive flexbox utilities

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  • References/HTML/Bootstrap/Utilities

Screenreaders Hide an element to all devices except screen readers with .sr-only. Combine .sr-only with .s

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