• References/Database/PostgreSQL/Commands

NameCREATE TABLE AS -- define a new table from the results of a query Synopsis

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  • References/Database/PostgreSQL/Appendixes/Additional Supplied Modules

The tsearch2 module provides backwards-compatible text search functionality for applications that used tsearch2

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History of Units
  • References/Database/PostgreSQL/Appendixes/DateTime Support

The SQL standard states that "Within the definition of a 'datetime literal', the 'datetime values'

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  • References/Database/PostgreSQL/Commands

NameDROP FOREIGN TABLE -- remove a foreign table Synopsis

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Date/Time Functions and Operators
  • References/Database/PostgreSQL/Functions/DateTime

Table 9-30 shows the available functions for date/time value processing, with details appearing in the following subsections. Table 9-29 illustrates the behaviors of the basic

2025-01-10 15:47:30
Modifying Tables
  • References/Database/PostgreSQL/Data Definition

When you create a table and you realize that you made a mistake, or the requirements of the application change, you can drop the table and create it again. But this is not

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  • References/Database/PostgreSQL/Commands

NameALTER OPERATOR -- change the definition of an operator Synopsis

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Catalogs: pg_largeobject
  • References/Database/PostgreSQL/Internals: Catalogs

The catalog pg_largeobject holds the data making up "large objects". A large object is identified by an OID assigned

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XML Functions
  • References/Database/PostgreSQL/Functions/XML

The functions and function-like expressions described in this section operate on values of type xml. Check

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Parallel Plans
  • References/Database/PostgreSQL/Parallel Query

Because each worker executes the parallel portion of the plan to completion, it is not possible to simply take an ordinary query plan and run it using multiple workers. Each

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