least.js - a Responsive HTML5 & CSS3 Gallery with Lazyload

least.js is a random and responsive HTML5 & CSS3 jQuery gallery plugin with lazyload.    

FerroSlider - a Responsive and Customizable jQuery Sliding Plugin

FerroSlider is a free, responsive and customizable jQuery plugin that allows you to organize the contents of websites in a unusual and cool way and navigate through them with a sliding effect. With FerroSlider, one can organize any type of content, such as images, text, pages, lists and so on. You can use it as a sliding gallery or as slider for a one-page-website. FerroSlider uses standard HTML and CSS rules and is responsive and compatible with all the major browsers and with the two main

rainyday.js - simulating raindrops falling on the surface of any image

rainyday.js is a simple script for simulating raindrops falling on a glass surface.   It is a JavaScript library that makes use of the HTML5 canvas to render an animation of raindrops falling on the surface of any image.      

jQuery Price Format - format input text fields as prices

jQuery Price Format is a plugin to format input text fields as prices.  For example, if you type 123456, the plugin will update it to US$ 1,234.56. It allows negative and plus signs and is customizable, so one can use other prefixes, suffixes and separators easily.    

Multiselectable jQuery plugin - A Progressive Enhancement to <select multiple>

Multiselectable jQuery plugin enables users to choose multiple items from list easily.    It removes the issue of using keyboard modifiers to make a selection and also makes it easier to see what elements are actually selected.    

TabSelect jQuery Plugin - A plugin to select array or form entries visually

TabSelect jQuery Plugin is a plugin to select one or more array or form entries visually, for example to filter a list or replace a multiselect form element.    

Masked Input Plugin - allows a user to more easily enter fixed input data in a certain format

Masked Input Plugin is a masked input plugin for the jQuery javascript library.  It allows a user to more easily enter fixed width input where you would like them to enter the data in a certain format (dates, phone numbers, etc).    A mask is defined by a format made up of mask literals and mask definitions. Any character not in the definitions list below is considered a mask literal. Mask literals will be automatically entered for the user as they type and will not be able to be removed by th

jQuery.my - binds HTML with JS objects in real-time

jQuery.my is short plugin for jQuery library. It allows real-time bi-directional binding between HTML controls and native javascript objects. Non-interactive HTML elements also can be tied with javascript objects to reflect their values in real-time.   jQuery.my allows comprehensive validation and conditional formatting of HTML inputs and static fields. Plugin recalculates and redraws interdependent controls automatically. $.my supports non-standard composite HTML controls as well as standard.

jVectorMap - Create your own custom vector maps

jVectorMap uses only native browser technologies like JavaScript, CSS, HTML, SVG or VML. No Flash or any other proprietary browser plug-in is required. This allows jVectorMap to work in all modern mobile browsers. Its plug-in package includes maps converter written in Python. It's used to create maps available on this site.   So, if you want to create a custom interactive map, like your country, your town, or map of the mall, this jQuery map plugin will be a good choice.    

jQuery-AddressPicker - with instant display selected address on map

Address Picker is not just a jQuery autocomplete filled by google map geocoder suggestions. It automatically displays selected address on map, even while you navigate in autocomplete suggestions. And this address picker can get the locality, district, state/province, country, postal code, latitude and longitude of this selected address at the same time.