
crop(rect, copy) Crop allows you to crop the texture being used to display this Game Object.Setting a crop rectangle modifies the core texture frame. The Game Object width and height properties will be adjusted accordingly. Cropping takes place from the top-left and can be modified in real-time either by providing an updated rectangle object to this method,or by modifying cropRect property directly and then calling updateCrop. The rectangle object given to this method can be either a Phaser.R


context :HTMLCanvasElement The context of the canvas element that the text is rendered to. Source code: gameobjects/Text.js (Line 91)


contains(child) → {Boolean} Determines whether the specified display object is a child of the DisplayObjectContainer instance or the instance itself. Parameters Name Type Description child DisplayObject - Returns Boolean - Inherited From PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer#contains Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js (Line 449)


colors :array An array of the color values as specified by addColor. Source code: gameobjects/Text.js (Line 96)


clearFontValues() → {Phaser.Text} Clears any text styles or weights font that were set by addFontStyle or addFontWeight. Returns Phaser.Text - This Text instance. Source code: gameobjects/Text.js (Line 813)


clearColors() → {Phaser.Text} Clears any text fill or stroke colors that were set by addColor or addStrokeColor. Returns Phaser.Text - This Text instance. Source code: gameobjects/Text.js (Line 797)


[readonly] children : Array.<DisplayObject> [read-only] The array of children of this container. Type Array.<DisplayObject> Inherited From PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer#children Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js (Line 17)


checkWorldBounds : boolean If this is set to true the Game Object checks if it is within the World bounds each frame. When it is no longer intersecting the world bounds it dispatches the onOutOfBounds event. If it was previously out of bounds but is now intersecting the world bounds again it dispatches the onEnterBounds event. It also optionally kills the Game Object if outOfBoundsKill is true. When checkWorldBounds is enabled it forces the Game Object to calculate its full bounds every fram


centerY : number The center y coordinate of the Game Object.This is the same as (y - offsetY) + (height / 2). Inherited From Phaser.Component.Bounds#centerY Source code: gameobjects/components/Bounds.js (Line 80)


centerX : number The center x coordinate of the Game Object.This is the same as (x - offsetX) + (width / 2). Inherited From Phaser.Component.Bounds#centerX Source code: gameobjects/components/Bounds.js (Line 58)