
scroll_down() Instance Public methods Scroll the display down by one line


scroll_up() Instance Public methods Scroll the display up by one line


find(*paths) Class Public methods Calls the associated block with the name of every file and directory listed as arguments, then recursively on their subdirectories, and so on. Returns an enumerator if no block is given. See the Find module documentation for an example.


prune() Class Public methods Skips the current file or directory, restarting the loop with the next entry. If the current file is a directory, that directory will not be recursively entered. Meaningful only within the block associated with ::find. See the Find module documentation for an example.


fix % other â real Instance Public methods Returns fix modulo other. See numeric.divmod for more information.


fix & integer â integer_result Instance Public methods Bitwise AND.


fix * numeric â numeric_result Instance Public methods Performs multiplication: the class of the resulting object depends on the class of numeric and on the magnitude of the result.


**(other) Instance Public methods Exponentiate by other power!


fix + numeric â numeric_result Instance Public methods Performs addition: the class of the resulting object depends on the class of numeric and on the magnitude of the result.


fix - numeric â numeric_result Instance Public methods Performs subtraction: the class of the resulting object depends on the class of numeric and on the magnitude of the result.