PhotoJShop - A JavaScript photo editing library packaged in a simple jQuery plugin

PhotoJShop is a JavaScript library for photo editing using the canvas, aiming to reproduce most usual filters.   

jQRangeSlider - A powerful slider for selecting value ranges, supporting dates and more

jQRangeSlider is a powerful slider for selecting value ranges, supporting dates, touch devices and more.   jQRangeSlider - Features: Select dates: jQRangeSlider supports both numerical values and date and time. Selecting a time frame has never been so easy. Touch devices: jQRangeSlider supports touch devices: tested with iOS and Android. User can select a range simply by touching and swiping on his tablet or phone. Steps: jQRangeSlider supports steps for both numerical and date values. Sele

Table-to-JSON - jQuery plugin to serialize HTML tables into javascript objects

Table-to-JSON is a jQuery plugin that converts an HTML Table into a javascript object. Great for working with user-editable tables or accessing output from 3rd party tools.   Table-to-JSON - Features: Automatically finds column headings Override found column headings by using data-override="overridden column name" Always uses first row as column headings regardless of th and td tags Override cell values column names by using data-override="new value" Ignorable columns Not confused by

noty - A jQuery Notification Plugin

noty is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to create alert - success - error - warning - information - confirmation messages as an alternative the standard alert dialog. Each notification is added to a queue. (Optional) The notifications can be positioned at the; top - topLeft - topCenter - topRight - center - centerLeft - centerRight - bottom - bottomLeft - bottomCenter - bottomRight There are lots of other options in the API to customise the text, animation, speed, buttons and much more. It

Vanillabox - Simple, modern lightbox-like plugin for jQuery

Vanillabox is a simple, modern lightbox-like plugin for jQuery. You can easily setup your image gallery with this plugin.   Vanillabox - Features: Simple design, no decoration. It focuses your content. Suitable for modern browsers that include mobile ones. It works nicely whether or not to zoom a page. Free for commercial use. It's licenced under the MIT License.    

jQuery ContentHover Plugin - shows hidden content on top of an element when the mouse hovers over it

jQuery ContentHover Plugin is a small jQuery plugin that helps you show some hidden content on top of an element when the mouse hovers over it. There are options to choose how your hover effect would appear, like fade in or slide in from any direction, you can change the opacity of the overlay etc.  

Bare Bones Slider - a minimalistic jQuery slider

Bare Bones Slider is a minimalistic jQuery slider. The biggest strength of this slider isn't what it does; it's what it doesn't do. By default, there's very little bloat so developers can add new functionality without having to undo the plugin's "helpful" features. Beginners can use pre-coded options, while experts can control it using public methods.   Bare Bones Slider - Features: Loads images on demand Allows you to make your own pagination and controls Public methods that you can call o

Smoothbox - A lightweight, responsive and simple lightbox alternative

Smoothbox is a lightweight, responsive and simple jQuery lightbox plugin.   Smoothbox - Features: Lightweight  Preloads images Built in gallery for multiple items CSS3 transitions for smoother effects Responsive image sizes  

jQuery.panelSnap - A jQuery plugin that provides snapping functionality

jQuery.panelSnap is a jQuery plugin that provides snapping functionality to a set of panels within your interface. It snaps to blocks of content after scrolling.  

jQuery lightGallery - Responsive & Touch-Friendly jQuery Gallery Lightbox Plugin

jQuery lightGallery is a lightweight jQuery lightbox gallery for displaying image and video.   jQuery lightGallery - Features: Responsive layout. Touch support for mobile devices. CSS transitions with jQuery fallback Youtube Vimeo Video Support Slide and Fade Effects Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, IE7+, IOS, Android, windows phone. Image captions and descriptions Multiple sliders on the same page Easily customizable via CSS and Settings Lightweight (7kb) (minified) Thumbnail suppor