$this doesntExpectEvents(array|string $events) Specify a list of events
void flushSession() Flush all of the current session data.
$this assertRedirectedToAction(string $name, array $parameters = array(), array $with = array())
$this deleteJson(string $uri, array $data = array(), array $headers = array())
$this dontSeeIsSelected(string $selector, string $value) Assert that the
$this visit(string $uri) Visit the given URI with a GET request.
$this dontSeeInField(string $selector, string $value) Assert that an input
$this seeIsChecked(string $selector, bool $negate = false) Assert that
InteractsWithDatabase trait InteractsWithDatabase (
$this expectsModelEvents(string $model, array|string $events) Specify a
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