  • References/JavaScript/Redux/Api

dispatch(action) Dispatches an action. This

2025-01-10 15:47:30
Data Flow
  • References/JavaScript/Redux/Basics

Data Flow Redux architecture revolves around a strict unidirectional data flow. This means

2025-01-10 15:47:30
Redux FAQ: Actions
  • References/JavaScript/Redux/Faq

Redux FAQ: Actions Table of Contents

2025-01-10 15:47:30
  • References/JavaScript/Redux/Api

createStore(reducer, [preloadedState], [enhancer]) Creates a Redux store that holds

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  • References/JavaScript/Redux/Api

Store A store holds the whole state tree of your application.

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  • References/JavaScript/Redux/Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting This is a place to share common problems and solutions to them. The examples use React, but

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  • References/JavaScript/Redux/Introduction

Ecosystem Redux is a tiny library, but its contracts and APIs are carefully chosen to spawn an ecosystem of tools and extensions.

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  • References/JavaScript/Redux/Api

bindActionCreators(actionCreators, dispatch) Turns an object whose values are

2025-01-10 15:47:30
API Reference
  • References/JavaScript/Redux/Api

API Reference The Redux API surface is tiny. Redux defines a set of contracts for you to implement (such as

2025-01-10 15:47:30
Refactoring Reducer Logic Using Functional Decomposition and Reducer Composition
  • References/JavaScript/Redux/Recipes

Refactoring Reducer Logic Using Functional Decomposition and Reducer Composition It may be helpful to see examples of what the different types

2025-01-10 15:47:30