Apache Module mod_socache_memcache Description: Memcache based shared object cache provider. Status: Extension
Apache Module mod_authn_file Description: User authentication using text files Status: Base ModuleIdentifier:
Apache Module mod_authz_groupfile Description: Group authorization using plaintext files Status: Base ModuleIdentifier:
Apache Module mod_example_hooks Description: Illustrates the Apache module API Status: Experimental ModuleIdentifier:
Apache Module mod_mime Description: Associates the requested filename's extensions with the file's behavior (handlers and filters) and content (mime-type
Apache Module mod_cache_disk Description: Disk based storage module for the HTTP caching filter. Status: Extension
Apache Module mod_log_config Description: Logging of the requests made to the server Status: Base ModuleIdentifier:
Apache Module mod_heartbeat Description: Sends messages with server status to frontend proxy Status: Experimental
Apache Module mod_env Description: Modifies the environment which is passed to CGI scripts and SSI pages Status: Base
Apache Module mod_watchdog Description: provides infrastructure for other modules to periodically run tasks Status: Base
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