  • References/Lua/Lua/API/Functions and Types

lua_error[-1, +0, v] int lua_error (lua_State *L); Generates a Lua error, using the value at the

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  • References/Lua/Lua/Standard Libraries/String Manipulation

6.4.1 – Patterns Patterns in Lua are described by regular strings, which are interpreted as patterns by the pattern-matching functions

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  • References/Lua/Lua/Standard Libraries/The Debug Library

debug.getuservalue (u) Returns the Lua value associated to u. If u is not a full userdata, returns nil.

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  • References/Lua/Lua/Standard Libraries/UTF-8 Support

utf8.len (s [, i [, j]])sijij

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  • References/Lua/Lua/Standard Libraries/The Debug Library

debug.setupvalue (f, up, value) This function assigns the value value to the upvalue with index up of the function f. The function returns

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  • References/Lua/Lua/Standard Libraries/Operating System Facilities

os.setlocale (locale [, category]) Sets the current locale of the program. locale is a system-dependent string specifying a locale; category is an optional

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  • References/Lua/Lua/Auxiliary Library/Functions and Types

luaL_loadfilex[-0, +1, m] int luaL_loadfilex (lua_State *L, const char *filename,

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  • References/Lua/Lua/Standard Libraries/Basic Functions

getmetatable (object) If object does not have a metatable, returns nil. Otherwise, if the object's metatable has a __metatable field, returns

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Format Strings for Pack and Unpack
  • References/Lua/Lua/Standard Libraries/String Manipulation

6.4.2 – Format Strings for Pack and Unpack The first argument to string.pack

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  • References/Lua/Lua/Standard Libraries/Mathematical Functions


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