
StringScanner provides for lexical scanning operations on a String. Here is an example of its usage:

s = StringScanner.new('This is an example string')
s.eos?               # -> false

p s.scan(/\w+/)      # -> "This"
p s.scan(/\w+/)      # -> nil
p s.scan(/\s+/)      # -> " "
p s.scan(/\s+/)      # -> nil
p s.scan(/\w+/)      # -> "is"
s.eos?               # -> false

p s.scan(/\s+/)      # -> " "
p s.scan(/\w+/)      # -> "an"
p s.scan(/\s+/)      # -> " "
p s.scan(/\w+/)      # -> "example"
p s.scan(/\s+/)      # -> " "
p s.scan(/\w+/)      # -> "string"
s.eos?               # -> true

p s.scan(/\s+/)      # -> nil
p s.scan(/\w+/)      # -> nil

Scanning a string means remembering the position of a scan pointer, which is just an index. The point of scanning is to move forward a bit at a time, so matches are sought after the scan pointer; usually immediately after it.

Given the string “test string”, here are the pertinent scan pointer positions:

  t e s t   s t r i n g
0 1 2 ...             1

When you scan for a pattern (a regular expression), the match must occur at the character after the scan pointer. If you use scan_until, then the match can occur anywhere after the scan pointer. In both cases, the scan pointer moves just beyond the last character of the match, ready to scan again from the next character onwards. This is demonstrated by the example above.

Method Categories

There are other methods besides the plain scanners. You can look ahead in the string without actually scanning. You can access the most recent match. You can modify the string being scanned, reset or terminate the scanner, find out or change the position of the scan pointer, skip ahead, and so on.

Advancing the Scan Pointer

Looking Ahead

Finding Where we Are

Setting Where we Are

Match Data


There are aliases to several of the methods.


getbyte() Instance Public methods Equivalent to

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peek(len) Instance Public methods Extracts a string corresponding to string[pos

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rest() Instance Public methods Returns the ârestâ of the string (i.e. everything

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eos?() Instance Public methods Returns true if the scan pointer

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get_byte() Instance Public methods Scans one byte and returns it. This method

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pos() Instance Public methods Returns the byte position of the scan pointer

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string=(str) Instance Public methods Changes the string being scanned to str

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Instance Public methods Appends str to the string being scanned. This method does not affect scan pointer.

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rest?() Instance Public methods Returns true iff there is more data in the string

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reset() Instance Public methods Reset the scan pointer (index 0) and clear matching

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