jQuery-AddressPicker - with instant display selected address on map

Address Picker is not just a jQuery autocomplete filled by google map geocoder suggestions. It automatically

2013-12-13 01:35:40
galleryFocus - A jQuery plugin that fades html elements based on their proximity to a source

galleryFocus is a jQuery plugin that fades html elements based on their proximity to a source (cursor or DOM).  

2014-05-11 10:32:33
Columnizer - a jQuery Plugin that will automatically layout your content in newspaper column format

The Columnizer jQuery Plugin will automatically layout your content in newspaper column format. You can specify

2014-08-19 15:30:07
CLNDR.js - A jQuery Calendar Plugin

CLNDR is a jQuery plugin for creating calendars. Unlike most calendar plugins, this one doesn't generate markup. Instead you provide

2013-12-23 12:13:32
noty - A jQuery Notification Plugin

noty is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to create alert - success - error - warning - information - confirmation messages as an alternative the standard

2014-09-09 12:27:15
ScrollIt.js - A jQuery plugin that makes it easy to create paginated, feature vertically scrolling pages

ScrollIt.js is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to create paginated, feature vertically scrolling pages.    ScrollIt

2014-09-17 11:06:49
ResponsiveSlides.js - Simple & lightweight responsive slider plugin

ResponsiveSlides.js is a tiny jQuery plugin that creates a responsive slider using elements inside a container. It has been used on sites like

2014-05-11 13:35:10
Datepicker for Bootstrap

Datepicker is a date picking plugin for Bootstrap. You can add datepicker picker to field or to any other element.  

2014-01-23 02:25:40
jQuery Credit Card Validator - jQuery credit card validation and detection plugin

jQuery Credit Card Validator detects and validates credit card numbers. It'll tell you the detected credit card

2014-01-15 09:07:10
Liquid Slider - A Responsive jQuery Content Slider

Liquid Slider is a responsive jQuery content slider.   Liquid Slider

2014-01-22 06:46:15