Superclick - a jQuery drop-down menu plugin focusses on click events to open and close submenus

Superclick is a jQuery drop-down menu plugin, it shares many of

2014-09-14 05:40:00
Tether - make absolutely positioned elements attach to elements in the page efficiently

Tether is a JavaScript library for efficiently making an absolutely positioned element stay next to another

2014-03-27 13:58:48
sGlide - a jQuery plugin that generates a simple, feature-rich & mobile ready slider

sGlide is a super flexible and light-weight jQuery plugin that generates a simple, feature-rich & mobile ready slider, which can be easily

2014-03-28 11:14:34
Photoset Grid - jQuery plugin to arrange images into a flexible grid

Photoset Grid is a simple jQuery plugin to arrange images into a flexible grid, based on Tumblr's photoset feature. Beyond

2014-11-09 04:10:08
Shuffle - Categorize, sort, and filter a responsive grid of items

Shuffle, a jQuery shuffle plugin that will categorize, sort, and filter a responsive grid of items.   Shuffle - 

2014-08-30 10:22:52
Yadcf - Yet Another DataTables Column Filter

Yadcf is a datatable column filter jQuery plugin that allows the user to easily add filter

2014-09-21 09:16:08
jBreadCrumb - a collapsible breadcrumb

jBreadCrumb is a collapsible breadcrumb, which was developed to deal with deeply nested, verbosely

2014-08-20 14:46:48
Litelighter - Light Weight Syntax Highlighting for jQuery and Zepto

Litelighter is a super light weight yet powerful syntax highlighting plugin for jQuery and Zepto. It comes with

2014-03-25 13:13:22
flipCountDown - jQuery flip count down, clock and counter plugin

flipCountDown is a jQuery plugin, that you can use this plugin for flip count down, timer, clock, or just use it as a counter.

2013-12-23 09:28:43
Joyride - Create jQuery Feature Tours in a Breeze

Joyride is an easy to configure jQuery site tour wizard. It is extremely flexible and lets you take control

2014-09-14 11:56:29