(PECL pdflib >= 2.1.0) Start template definition
(PECL gnupg >= 0.5) Add a key for signing
(PHP 5 <= 5.3.0, PECL ming SVN) enable track as menu button behaviour
(PECL pdflib >= 2.0.0) Start a Type 3 font definition
(PHP 5 <= 5.3.0, PECL ming SVN) void SWFSoundInstance::loopInPoint ( int $point )
(PECL haru >= 0.0.1) Get the currently used font
(PECL haru >= 0.0.1) Enable builtin Korean fonts
(PECL haru >= 0.0.1) Create new
(PHP 4, PECL pdflib >= 1.0.0) Set miter limit
(PHP 4, PECL pdflib >= 1.0.0) Get font [deprecated]
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