(PECL sphinx >= 0.1.0) Set retry count and delay
(PECL solr >= 0.9.2) Returns the treshold frequency at which words will be ignored which do not occur in
(PECL sphinx >= 0.1.0) Get the last error message
(PECL solr >= 0.9.2) Specifies a string prefix with which to limits the terms on which to facet
(PECL solr >= 0.9.2) Returns the number of similar documents to return for each result
(PECL sphinx >= 1.0.3) Sets temporary per-document attribute value overrides
(PECL solr >= 2.2.0) Get Document By Id. Utilizes Solr Realtime Get (RTG).
(No version information available, might only be in Git) Removes a Query Field (qf parameter)
(PECL solr >= 0.9.2) Constructor public S
(PECL solr >= 0.9.2) Returns all the sort fields
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