(PECL solr >= 2.2.0) Get Document By Id. Utilizes Solr Realtime Get (RTG).
(No version information available, might only be in Git) Removes a Query Field (qf parameter)
(PECL solr >= 0.9.2) Constructor public S
(PECL solr >= 0.9.2) Returns all the sort fields
(PECL solr >= 0.9.2) Returns an array of all the names of the properties
(No version information available, might only be in Git) Set Minimum "Should" Match (mm)
(PECL solr >= 0.9.2) Returns the value for the facet.date.other parameter
(PECL solr >= 0.9.2) Sets the maximum word length
(PECL solr >= 0.9.2) Returns the facet sort type
(No version information available, might only be in Git) Sets Phrase Fields and their boosts (and slops) using
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