  • References/JavaScript/Underscore/Chaining

value_.chain(obj).value() Extracts the value of a wrapped object.

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  • References/JavaScript/Underscore/Object

isFinite_.isFinite(object) Returns true if object is a finite Number.

2025-01-10 15:47:30
  • References/JavaScript/Underscore/Object

values_.values(object) Return all of the values of the object's own properties.

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  • References/JavaScript/Underscore/Array

intersection_.intersection(*arrays) Computes the list of values that are the intersection of all the arrays. Each value in

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  • References/JavaScript/Underscore/Utility

times_.times(n, iteratee, [context]) Invokes the given iteratee function n times. Each invocation of iteratee is called

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  • References/JavaScript/Underscore/Collection

find_.find(list, predicate, [context]) Alias: detect Looks through each value in the list

2025-01-10 15:47:30
  • References/JavaScript/Underscore/Object

pick_.pick(object, *keys) Return a copy of the object, filtered to only have values for the whitelisted keys (or array

2025-01-10 15:47:30
  • References/JavaScript/Underscore/Utility

identity_.identity(value) Returns the same value that is used as the argument. In math: f(x) = x This function looks

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  • References/JavaScript/Underscore/Object

isArguments_.isArguments(object) Returns true if object is an Arguments object.

2025-01-10 15:47:30
  • References/JavaScript/Underscore/Array

union_.union(*arrays) Computes the union of the passed-in arrays: the list of unique items, in order, that are present in

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