reject_.reject(list, predicate, [context]) Returns the values in list without the elements that the truth test (predicate)
indexBy_.indexBy(list, iteratee, [context]) Given a list, and an iteratee function that returns a key for each element
partition_.partition(array, predicate) Split array into two arrays: one whose elements all satisfy predicate and one
reduceRight_.reduceRight(list, iteratee, memo, [context]) Alias: foldr The right-associative version
some_.some(list, [predicate], [context]) Alias: any Returns true if any of the values in
reduce_.reduce(list, iteratee, [memo], [context]) Aliases: inject, foldl Also known as inject, iteratee, [context]) Alias: collect Produces a new array of values by mapping each
groupBy_.groupBy(list, iteratee, [context]) Splits a collection into sets, grouped by the result of running each value through iteratee
each_.each(list, iteratee, [context]) Alias: forEach Iterates over a list of elements, yielding
findWhere_.findWhere(list, properties) Looks through the list and returns the first value that matches all of the key-value
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