meteor test-packages

meteor test-packages Test Meteor packages, either by name, or by directory. Not specifying an argument will run tests for all local packages

2016-05-29 17:20:50
meteor add

meteor add package Add packages to your Meteor project. By convention, names of community packages include the name of the maintainer

2016-05-29 17:20:42
meteor show

meteor show Shows more information about a specific package or release: name, summary, the usernames of its maintainers, and, if specified,

2016-05-29 17:20:50
meteor run

meteor run Run a meteor development server in the current project. Searches upward from the current directory for the root directory of a Meteor

2016-05-29 17:20:49
meteor build

meteor build Package this project up for deployment. The output is a directory with several build artifacts: a

2016-05-29 17:20:43
meteor publish

meteor publish Publishes your package. To publish, you must cd into the package directory, log in with your Meteor Developer Account

2016-05-29 17:20:47
meteor update

meteor update Attempts to bring you to the latest version of Meteor, and then to upgrade your packages to their latest versions. By default

2016-05-29 17:20:51
meteor reset

meteor reset Reset the current project to a fresh state. Removes the local mongo database.

2016-05-29 17:20:48
meteor help

meteor help Get help on meteor command line usage. Running meteor help by itself will list the common meteor commands. Running

2016-05-29 17:20:44
meteor publish-for-arch

meteor publish-for-arch Publishes a build of an existing package version from a different architecture. Some

2016-05-29 17:20:47