We'll be building a simple but realistic comments box that you can drop into a blog, a basic version of the realtime comments offered by Disqus, LiveFyre or Facebook comments
ReactLink is an easy way to express two-way binding with React. ReactLink is deprecated as of React v15. The recommendation
We've tried to make React as environment-agnostic as possible. People use React in a variety of languages (JavaScript, TypeScript, ClojureScript, etc) and in a variety of environments
In most cases, you can use the key prop to specify keys on the elements you're returning from render. However, this breaks down in one situation:
by Pete Hunt React is, in my opinion, the premier way to build big, fast Web apps with JavaScript. It has scaled very well for us at Facebook
The React add-ons are a collection of useful utility modules for building React apps. These should be considered experimental and tend to change more often
React provides a ReactTransitionGroup add-on component as a low-level API for animation, and a ReactCSSTransitionGroup for easily implementing basic
If your React component's render function is "pure" (in other words, it renders the same result given the same props and state), you can use this mixin for a performance boost
One of the great things about React is that it doesn't require the DOM as a dependency, which means it is possible to render a React application on the server and send the
JSX is a JavaScript syntax extension that looks similar to XML. You can use a simple JSX syntactic
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