React component that wraps the Android-only Toolbar widget. A Toolbar can display a logo, navigation icon (e.g. hamburger menu), a title & subtitle and a list of actions. The title and subtitle are expanded so the logo and navigation icons are displayed on the left, title and subtitle in the middle and the actions on the right.

If the toolbar has an only child, it will be displayed between the title and actions.

Although the Toolbar supports remote images for the logo, navigation and action icons, this should only be used in DEV mode where require('./some_icon.png') translates into a packager URL. In release mode you should always use a drawable resource for these icons. Using require('./some_icon.png') will do this automatically for you, so as long as you don't explicitly use e.g. {uri: 'http://...'}, you will be good.


render: function() {
  return (
      actions={[{title: 'Settings', icon: require('./icon_settings.png'), show: 'always'}]}
      onActionSelected={this.onActionSelected} />
onActionSelected: function(position) {
  if (position === 0) { // index of 'Settings'


View props...

actions [{title: string, icon: optionalImageSource, show: enum('always', 'ifRoom', 'never'), showWithText: bool}]

Sets possible actions on the toolbar as part of the action menu. These are displayed as icons or text on the right side of the widget. If they don't fit they are placed in an 'overflow' menu.

This property takes an array of objects, where each object has the following keys:

  • title: required, the title of this action
  • icon: the icon for this action, e.g. require('./some_icon.png')
  • show: when to show this action as an icon or hide it in the overflow menu: always, ifRoom or never
  • showWithText: boolean, whether to show text alongside the icon or not

contentInsetEnd number

Sets the content inset for the toolbar ending edge.

The content inset affects the valid area for Toolbar content other than the navigation button and menu. Insets define the minimum margin for these components and can be used to effectively align Toolbar content along well-known gridlines.

contentInsetStart number

Sets the content inset for the toolbar starting edge.

The content inset affects the valid area for Toolbar content other than the navigation button and menu. Insets define the minimum margin for these components and can be used to effectively align Toolbar content along well-known gridlines.

Sets the toolbar logo.

navIcon optionalImageSource

Sets the navigation icon.

onActionSelected function

Callback that is called when an action is selected. The only argument that is passed to the callback is the position of the action in the actions array.

onIconClicked function

Callback called when the icon is selected.

overflowIcon optionalImageSource

Sets the overflow icon.

rtl bool

Used to set the toolbar direction to RTL. In addition to this property you need to add


to your application AndroidManifest.xml and then call setLayoutDirection(LayoutDirection.RTL) in your MainActivity onCreate method.

subtitle string

Sets the toolbar subtitle.

subtitleColor color

Sets the toolbar subtitle color.

testID string

Used to locate this view in end-to-end tests.

title string

Sets the toolbar title.

titleColor color

Sets the toolbar title color.


'use strict';

var React = require('react');
var ReactNative = require('react-native');
var {
} = ReactNative;
var UIExplorerBlock = require('./UIExplorerBlock');
var UIExplorerPage = require('./UIExplorerPage');

var SwitchAndroid = require('SwitchAndroid');
var ToolbarAndroid = require('ToolbarAndroid');

var ToolbarAndroidExample = React.createClass({
  statics: {
    title: '<ToolbarAndroid>',
    description: 'Examples of using the Android toolbar.'
  getInitialState: function() {
    return {
      actionText: 'Example app with toolbar component',
      toolbarSwitch: false,
      colorProps: {
        titleColor: '#3b5998',
        subtitleColor: '#6a7180',
  render: function() {
    return (
      <UIExplorerPage title="<ToolbarAndroid>">
        <UIExplorerBlock title="Toolbar with title/subtitle and actions">
            onIconClicked={() => this.setState({actionText: 'Icon clicked'})}
            title="Toolbar" />
        <UIExplorerBlock title="Toolbar with logo & custom title view (a View with Switch+Text)">
            <View style={{height: 56, flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center'}}>
                onValueChange={(value) => this.setState({'toolbarSwitch': value})} />
              <Text>{'\'Tis but a switch'}</Text>
        <UIExplorerBlock title="Toolbar with no icon">
            subtitle="There be no icon here" />
        <UIExplorerBlock title="Toolbar with navIcon & logo, no title">
            style={styles.toolbar} />
        <UIExplorerBlock title="Toolbar with custom title colors">
            onIconClicked={() => this.setState({colorProps: {}})}
            title="Wow, such toolbar"
            subtitle="Much native"
            {...this.state.colorProps} />
            Touch the icon to reset the custom colors to the default (theme-provided) ones.
        <UIExplorerBlock title="Toolbar with remote logo & navIcon">
            actions={[{title: 'Bunny', icon: require('./bunny.png'), show: 'always'}]}
            title="Bunny and Hawk"
            style={styles.toolbar} />
        <UIExplorerBlock title="Toolbar with custom overflowIcon">
            style={styles.toolbar} />
  _onActionSelected: function(position) {
      actionText: 'Selected ' + toolbarActions[position].title,

var toolbarActions = [
  {title: 'Create', icon: require('image!ic_create_black_48dp'), show: 'always'},
  {title: 'Filter'},
  {title: 'Settings', icon: require('image!ic_settings_black_48dp'), show: 'always'},

var styles = StyleSheet.create({
  toolbar: {
    backgroundColor: '#e9eaed',
    height: 56,

module.exports = ToolbarAndroidExample;

title string Sets the toolbar title.

2016-06-23 04:25:53

onActionSelected function Callback that is called when an action is selected. The only argument that is

2016-06-23 04:25:51

subtitleColor color Sets the toolbar

2016-06-23 04:25:52

logo optionalImageSource Sets the toolbar logo.

2016-06-23 04:25:51