traceback_limit Maximum number of frames stored in the traceback of traces: result of the get_traceback_limit()
lineno Line number (int) of the filter. If lineno is None, the filter matches any line number
bpprint(out=None) Print the output of bpformat() to the file out, or if it is None, to standard
classmethod load(filename) Load a snapshot from a file. See also dump().
faulthandler.enable(file=sys.stderr, all_threads=True) Enable the fault handler: install handlers for the SIGSEGV
results() Return a CoverageResults object that contains the cumulative results of all previous calls to run
clear_break(filename, lineno) Delete the breakpoints in filename and lineno. If none were set, an error message
set_trace() See the documentation for the functions explained above.
get_breaks(filename, lineno) Return all breakpoints for lineno in filename, or an empty list if none are set
set_return(frame) Stop when returning from the given frame.
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