NNTP.slave() Send a SLAVE command. Return the server’s response.
wsgiref.validate.validator(application) Wrap application and return a new WSGI application object. The returned application
Cookie.secure True if cookie should only be returned over a secure connection.
IMAP4.logout() Shutdown connection to server. Returns server BYE response.
NNTP.description(group) Get a description for a single group group. If more than one group matches (if ‘group’ is a
CGIXMLRPCRequestHandler.register_multicall_functions() Register the XML-RPC multicall function system.multicall
send_response(code, message=None) Adds a response header to the headers buffer and logs the accepted request. The HTTP response
UnknownHandler.unknown_open() Raise a
errmsg The error message or diagnostic string.
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