uuid.uuid4() Generate a random UUID.
exploded The string representation in dotted decimal notation. Leading zeroes are never included in the representation.
class urllib.request.FancyURLopener(...) Deprecated since version 3.3
HTTPConnection.send(data) Send data to the server. This should be used directly only after the endheaders() method
HTTPConnection.close() Close the connection to the server.
IMAP4.uid(command, arg[, ...]) Execute command args with messages identified by UID, rather than message number. Returns response
with_hostmask A string representation of the network, with the mask in host mask notation.
urllib.request.getproxies() This helper function returns a dictionary of scheme to proxy server URL mappings. It scans the environment
class smtpd.PureProxy(localaddr, remoteaddr) Create a new pure proxy server. Arguments are as per SMTPServer. Everything
DefaultCookiePolicy.rfc2109_as_netscape If true, request that the CookieJar instance downgrade RFC 2109 cookies
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