sendfile() Override to implement platform-specific file transmission. This method is called only if the application’s return
IMAP4.recent() Prompt server for an update. Returned data is None if no new messages, else value of RECENT
class socketserver.TCPServer(server_address, RequestHandlerClass, bind_and_activate=True) This uses the Internet TCP protocol
class poplib.POP3(host, port=POP3_PORT[, timeout]) This class implements the actual POP3 protocol. The connection is created
class nntplib.NNTP(host, port=119, user=None, password=None, readermode=None, usenetrc=False[, timeout]) Return a new NNTP
Request.remove_header(header) Remove named header from the request instance (both from regular and unredirected headers).
Cookie.path Cookie path (a string, eg. '/acme/rocket_launchers').
exception http.client.UnknownProtocol A subclass of HTTPException.
decode(bytes) Accept a base64
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