aifc.getnframes() Return the number of audio frames in the file. Tell the driver that there is likely to be a pause in the output, making it possible for the device
oss_mixer_device.get_recsrc() This method returns a bitmask indicating which control(s) are currently being used as a recording
audioop.mul(fragment, width, factor) Return a fragment that has all samples in the original fragment multiplied by the floating-point
aifc.aifc() Create an AIFF-C file. The default is that an AIFF-C file is created, unless the name of the file ends in '
Wave_write.setparams(tuple) The tuple should be (nchannels, sampwidth, framerate, nframes, comptype, compname)
aifc.getcompname() Return a bytes array convertible to a human-readable description of the type of compression used in the audio
oss_mixer_device.reccontrols() Returns a bitmask specifying the mixer controls that may be used to record. See the code example
Wave_read.setpos(pos) Set the file pointer to the specified position.
aifc.tell() Return the current frame number.
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