colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(r, g, b) Convert the color from RGB coordinates to HSV coordinates.
colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h, l, s) Convert the color from HLS coordinates to RGB coordinates.
oss_audio_device.setparameters(format, nchannels, samplerate[, strict=False]) Set the key audio sampling parameters—sample format
oss_mixer_device.set_recsrc(bitmask) Call this function to specify a recording source. Returns a bitmask indicating the new
close() Close and skip to the end of the chunk. This does not close the underlying file.
Wave_write.writeframes(data) Write audio frames and make sure nframes is correct. It will raise an error if the output
aifc.writeframesraw(data) Like writeframes(), except that the header of the audio file is not updated.
Wave_write.tell() Return current position in the file, with the same disclaimer for the Wave_read.tell() and Wave_read
oss_audio_device.closed Boolean indicating whether the device has been closed.
aifc.rewind() Rewind the read pointer. The next readframes() will start from the beginning.
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