math.log2(x) Return the base-2 logarithm of x. This is usually more accurate than log(x, 2).
math.exp(x) Return e**x.
random.uniform(a, b) Return a random floating point number N such that a <= N <= b for a <=
remainder(x, y) Returns the remainder from integer division. The sign of the result, if non-zero
class numbers.Complex Subclasses of this type describe complex numbers and include the operations that work on the built-in
min_mag(x, y) Compares the values numerically with their sign ignored.
logical_invert(context=None) logical_invert() is a logical operation. The result is the digit-wise inversion of
compare(other, context=None) Compare the values of two Decimal instances. compare() returns a Decimal instance
cmath.isfinite(x) Return True if both the real and imaginary parts of x are finite, and False
clear_traps() Resets all of the traps to 0.
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