platform.node() Returns the computer’s network name (may not be fully qualified!). An empty string is returned if the value
curses.ungetmouse(id, x, y, z, bstate) Push a KEY_MOUSE event onto the input queue, associating the given state
os.setresgid(rgid, egid, sgid) Set the current process’s real, effective, and saved group ids. Availability:
window.getbegyx() Return a tuple (y, x) of co-ordinates of upper-left corner.
time.strftime(format[, t]) Convert a tuple or struct_time representing a time as returned by gmtime()
contents Returns the object to which to pointer points. Assigning to this attribute changes the pointer to point to the assigned
write(b) Write the given bytes-like object, b, to the underlying raw stream
curses.tigetnum(capname) Return the value of the numeric capability corresponding to the terminfo capability name capname
curses.textpad.rectangle(win, uly, ulx, lry, lrx) Draw a rectangle. The first argument must be a window object; the remaining
time.ctime([secs]) Convert a time expressed in seconds since the epoch to a string representing local time. If secs
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