window.redrawwin() Touch the entire window, causing it to be completely redrawn on the next refresh() call.
window.standend() Turn off the standout attribute. On some terminals this has the side effect of turning off all attributes
Panel.userptr() Returns the user pointer for the panel. This might be any Python object.
os.lchmod(path, mode) Change the mode of path to the numeric mode. If path is a symlink, this affects the
window.getmaxyx() Return a tuple (y, x) of the height and width of the window.
seek(offset[, whence]) Change the stream position to the given offset. Behaviour depends on the whence parameter
os.tcsetpgrp(fd, pg) Set the process group associated with the terminal given by fd (an open file descriptor as returned
ArgumentParser.print_help(file=None) Print a help message, including the program usage and information about the arguments registered
os.fpathconf(fd, name) Return system configuration information relevant to an open file. name specifies the configuration
window.enclose(y, x) Test whether the given pair of screen-relative character-cell coordinates are enclosed by the given window
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