class xml.sax.xmlreader.XMLReader Base class which can be inherited by SAX parsers.
xml.sax.saxutils.escape(data, entities={}) Escape '&', '<', and '>' in a string
xmlparser.EndDoctypeDeclHandler() Called when Expat is done parsing the document type declaration. This requires Expat version
Document.createAttribute(name) Create and return an attribute node. This method does not associate the attribute node with any
xml.sax.parseString(string, handler, error_handler=handler.ErrorHandler()) Similar to parse(), but parses from
HTMLParser.handle_charref(name) This method is called to process decimal and hexadecimal numeric character references of the
xmlparser.GetBase() Returns a string containing the base set by a previous call to SetBase(), or None
Document.createProcessingInstruction(target, data) Create and return a processing instruction node containing the target
xml.sax.handler.property_dom_node value: ""
SAXException.getException() Return an encapsulated exception object, or None.
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