readline.set_pre_input_hook([function]) Set or remove the function invoked by the rl_pre_input_hook callback of
textwrap.indent(text, prefix, predicate=None) Add prefix to the beginning of selected lines in text.
class difflib.Differ This is a class for comparing sequences of lines of text, and producing human-readable differences or deltas
readline.replace_history_item(pos, line) Replace history item specified by its position with line. The position is
readline.get_history_length() readline.set_history_length(length) Set or return the desired number of lines to save
unicodedata.normalize(form, unistr) Return the normal form form for the Unicode string unistr. Valid values
stringprep.in_table_a1(code) Determine whether code is in tableA.1 (Unassigned code points in Unicode 3.2).
set_seqs(a, b) Set the two sequences to be compared.
match.endpos The value of endpos which was passed to the search() or match() method of a
difflib.restore(sequence, which) Return one of the two sequences that generated a delta. Given
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