step(amount=None) Increments the progress bar’s value by amount. amount defaults
class tkinter.tix.Control The
class tkinter.Tk(screenName=None, baseName=None, className='Tk', useTk=1) The Tk class is instantiated without
element_names() Returns the list of elements defined in the current theme.
class tkinter.tix.Tk(screenName=None, baseName=None, className='Tix') Toplevel widget of Tix which represents mostly the main
class tkinter.tix.FileSelectBox The
detach(*items) Unlinks all of the specified items from the tree. The items and all
index(item) Returns the integer index of item within its parent’s list of children.
yview(*args) Query or modify vertical position of the treeview.
theme_create(themename, parent=None, settings=None) Create a new theme. It is an error if themename
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