class django.views.generic.edit.ModelFormMixin A form mixin that works on ModelForms, rather than a standalone
get_context_data(**kwargs) New in Django 1.9. Calls
form_invalid(form) Renders a response, providing the invalid form as context.
form_invalid() Renders a response, providing the invalid form as context.
class django.views.generic.edit.FormMixin A mixin class that provides facilities for creating and displaying forms.
success_url The url to redirect to when the nominated object has been successfully deleted.
get(request, *args, **kwargs) Renders a response using a context created with get_context_data().
post(request, *args, **kwargs) Constructs a form, checks the form for validity, and handles it accordingly.
get_initial() Retrieve initial data for the form. By default, returns a copy of initial.
fields A list of names of fields. This is interpreted the same way as the Meta.fields attribute of
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