write(geom) Returns the WKT of the given geometry. Example:
GEOSGeometry.point_on_surface Computes and returns a Point guaranteed to be on the interior of this geometry.
GEOSGeometry.covers(other) New in Django 1.10. Returns
class MultiPoint(*args, **kwargs) MultiPoint objects may be instantiated by passing in Point objects
class MultiLineString(*args, **kwargs) MultiLineString objects may be instantiated by passing in LineString
GEOSGeometry.empty Returns whether or not the set of points in the geometry is empty.
class MultiPolygon(*args, **kwargs) MultiPolygon objects may be instantiated by passing Polygon objects
GEOSGeometry.unary_union New in Django 1.10. Computes
trim New in Django 1.10. This property
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