as_vendorname(self, compiler, connection) Works like as_sql() method. When an expression is compiled by compiler
bilateral A boolean indicating whether this transformation should apply to both lhs and rhs. Bilateral
get_lookup(lookup_name) Must return the lookup named lookup_name. For instance, by returning self.output_field
rhs The right-hand side - what lhs is being compared against. It can be a plain value, or something that compiles
class Lookup [source] A Lookup is a generic class to implement lookups. A lookup
class Transform [source] A Transform is a generic class to implement field transformations
lhs The left-hand side - what is being looked up. The object must follow the Query Expression API
lhs The left-hand side - what is being transformed. It must follow the Query Expression API
class lookups.RegisterLookupMixin A mixin that implements the lookup API on a class.
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