Options.app_label If a model is defined outside of an application in INSTALLED_APPS, it must declare which app
Options.label New in Django 1.9. Representation
Options.db_tablespace The name of the database tablespace to use for this model. The default is the
Options.base_manager_name New in Django 1.10. The
Options.ordering The default ordering for the object, for use when obtaining lists of objects:
Options.index_together Sets of field names that, taken together, are indexed:
Options.order_with_respect_to Makes this object orderable with respect to the given field, usually a ForeignKey
Options.default_manager_name New in Django 1.10. The
Options.proxy If proxy = True, a model which subclasses another model will be treated as a proxy
Options.permissions Extra permissions to enter into the permissions table when creating this object. Add, delete and change
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