public conditions (mixed $conditions) Adds the conditions parameter to the criteria
public inWhere (mixed $expr, array $values) Appends an IN condition to the current conditions
public having (mixed $having) Adds the having clause to the criteria
public notBetweenWhere (mixed $expr, mixed $minimum, mixed $maximum) Appends a NOT BETWEEN condition
public static fromInput (Phalcon\DiInterface $dependencyInjector
public notInWhere (mixed $expr, array $values) Appends a NOT IN condition to the current conditions
implements Phalcon\Mvc\Model\CriteriaInterface
public sharedLock ([mixed $sharedLock]) Adds the “shared_lock” parameter to the criteria
public orderBy (mixed $orderColumns) Adds the order-by clause to the criteria
public setDI (Phalcon\DiInterface $dependencyInjector)
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