

Meteor.loginWith<ExternalService>([options], [callback])

import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor' Source

Log the user in using an external service.


callback Function

Optional callback. Called with no arguments on success, or with a single Error argument on failure. The callback cannot be called if you are using the "redirect" loginStyle, because the app will have reloaded in the meantime; try using client-side login hooks instead.


requestPermissions Array of Strings

A list of permissions to request from the user.

requestOfflineToken Boolean

If true, asks the user for permission to act on their behalf when offline. This stores an additional offline token in the services field of the user document. Currently only supported with Google.

loginUrlParameters Object

Provide additional parameters to the authentication uri. Currently only supported with Google {@url}.

loginHint String

An email address that the external service will use to pre-fill the login prompt. Currently only supported with Meteor developer accounts and Google accounts. If used with Google, the Google User ID can also be passed.

loginStyle String

Login style ("popup" or "redirect", defaults to the login service configuration). The "popup" style opens the login page in a separate popup window, which is generally preferred because the Meteor application doesn't need to be reloaded. The "redirect" style redirects the Meteor application's window to the login page, and the login service provider redirects back to the Meteor application which is then reloaded. The "redirect" style can be used in situations where a popup window can't be opened, such as in a mobile UIWebView. The "redirect" style however relies on session storage which isn't available in Safari private mode, so the "popup" style will be forced if session storage can't be used.

redirectUrl String

If using "redirect" login style, the user will be returned to this URL after authorisation has been completed.

2016-05-29 17:20:56
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