

A store holds the whole state tree of your application.

The only way to change the state inside it is to dispatch an action on it.

A store is not a class. It's just an object with a few methods on it.

To create it, pass your root reducing function to createStore.

A Note for Flux Users

If you're coming from Flux, there is a single important difference you need to understand. Redux doesn't have a Dispatcher or support many stores. Instead, there is just a single store with a single root reducing function. As your app grows, instead of adding stores, you split the root reducer into smaller reducers independently operating on the different parts of the state tree. You can use a helper like combineReducers to combine them. This is similar to how there is just one root component in a React app, but it is composed out of many small components.

Store Methods

Store Methods

2025-01-10 15:47:30
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