public static ActiveLinkResponseFilter::setLinkActiveClass($html_markup, $current_path, $is_front, $url_language, array $query)
Sets the "is-active" class on relevant links.
This is a PHP implementation of the JavaScript library.
@todo Once a future version of PHP supports parsing HTML5 properly (i.e. doesn't fail on then we can get rid of this manual parsing and use DOMDocument instead.
string $html_markup.: The HTML markup to update.
string $current_path: The system path of the currently active page.
bool $is_front: Whether the current page is the front page (which implies the current path might also be <front>).
string $url_language: The language code of the current URL.
array $query: The query string for the current URL.
Return value
string The updated HTML markup.
- core/lib/Drupal/Core/EventSubscriber/ActiveLinkResponseFilter.php, line 126
- ActiveLinkResponseFilter
- Subscribes to filter HTML responses, to set the 'is-active' class on links.
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