Implements callback_batch_operation().
Save data of imported files.
array|\ArrayAccess $context.: Contains a list of imported files.
- core/modules/locale/locale.bulk.inc, line 274
- Mass import-export and batch import functionality for Gettext .po files.
function locale_translate_batch_import_save($context) { if (isset($context['results']['files'])) { foreach ($context['results']['files'] as $file) { // Update the file history if both project and version are known. This // table is used by the automated translation update function which tracks // translation status of module and themes in the system. Other // translation files are not tracked and are therefore not stored in this // table. if ($file->project && $file->version) { $file->last_checked = REQUEST_TIME; locale_translation_update_file_history($file); } } $context['message'] = t('Translations imported.'); } }
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