hook_ckeditor_css_alter(array &$css, Editor $editor)
Modify the list of CSS files that will be added to a CKEditor instance.
Modules may use this hook to provide their own custom CSS file without providing a CKEditor plugin. This list of CSS files is only used in the iframe versions of CKEditor.
Front-end themes (and base themes) can easily specify CSS files to be used in iframe instances of CKEditor through an entry in their .info.yml file:
1 2 | ckeditor_stylesheets: - css/ckeditor-iframe.css |
array &$css: An array of CSS files, passed by reference. This is a flat list of file paths which can be either relative to the Drupal root or external URLs.
$editor: The text editor object as returned by editor_load(), for which these files are being loaded. Based on this information, it is possible to load the corresponding text format object.
See also
Related topics
- Hooks
- Define functions that alter the behavior of Drupal core.
- core/modules/ckeditor/ckeditor.api.php, line 55
- Documentation for CKEditor module APIs.
1 2 3 | function hook_ckeditor_css_alter( array & $css , Editor $editor ) { $css [] = drupal_get_path( 'module' , 'mymodule' ) . '/css/mymodule-ckeditor.css' ; } |
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