public CommentForm::form(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
Gets the actual form array to be built.
Overrides ContentEntityForm::form
See also
- core/modules/comment/src/CommentForm.php, line 66
- CommentForm
- Base handler for comment forms.
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'__' . $entity ->bundle() . '__' . $field_name , 'comment_form' ); $anonymous_contact = $field_definition ->getSetting( 'anonymous' ); $is_admin = $comment ->id() && $this ->currentUser->hasPermission( 'administer comments' ); if (! $this ->currentUser->isAuthenticated() && $anonymous_contact != COMMENT_ANONYMOUS_MAYNOT_CONTACT) { $form [ '#attached' ][ 'library' ][] = 'core/drupal.form' ; $form [ '#attributes' ][ 'data-user-info-from-browser' ] = TRUE; } // If not replying to a comment, use our dedicated page callback for new // Comments on entities. if (! $comment ->id() && ! $comment ->hasParentComment()) { $form [ '#action' ] = $this ->url( 'comment.reply' , array ( 'entity_type' => $entity ->getEntityTypeId(), 'entity' => $entity ->id(), 'field_name' => $field_name )); } $comment_preview = $form_state ->get( 'comment_preview' ); if (isset( $comment_preview )) { $form += $comment_preview ; } $form [ 'author' ] = array (); // Display author information in a details element for comment moderators. if ( $is_admin ) { $form [ 'author' ] += array ( '#type' => 'details' , '#title' => $this ->t( 'Administration' ), ); } // Prepare default values for form elements. $author = '' ; if ( $is_admin ) { if (! $comment ->getOwnerId()) { $author = $comment ->getAuthorName(); } $status = $comment ->getStatus(); if ( empty ( $comment_preview )) { $form [ '#title' ] = $this ->t( 'Edit comment %title' , array ( '%title' => $comment ->getSubject(), )); } } else { $status = ( $this ->currentUser->hasPermission( 'skip comment approval' ) ? CommentInterface::PUBLISHED : CommentInterface::NOT_PUBLISHED); } $date = '' ; if ( $comment ->id()) { $date = ! empty ( $comment -> date ) ? $comment -> date : DrupalDateTime::createFromTimestamp( $comment ->getCreatedTime()); } // The uid field is only displayed when a user with the permission // 'administer comments' is editing an existing comment from an // authenticated user. $owner = $comment ->getOwner(); $form [ 'author' ][ 'uid' ] = [ '#type' => 'entity_autocomplete' , '#target_type' => 'user' , '#default_value' => $owner ->isAnonymous() ? NULL : $owner , // A comment can be made anonymous by leaving this field empty therefore // there is no need to list them in the autocomplete. '#selection_settings' => [ 'include_anonymous' => FALSE], '#title' => $this ->t( 'Authored by' ), '#description' => $this ->t( 'Leave blank for %anonymous.' , [ '%anonymous' => $config ->get( 'anonymous' )]), '#access' => $is_admin , ]; // The name field is displayed when an anonymous user is adding a comment or // when a user with the permission 'administer comments' is editing an // existing comment from an anonymous user. $form [ 'author' ][ 'name' ] = array ( '#type' => 'textfield' , '#title' => $is_admin ? $this ->t( 'Name for @anonymous' , [ '@anonymous' => $config ->get( 'anonymous' )]) : $this ->t( 'Your name' ), '#default_value' => $author , '#required' => ( $this ->currentUser->isAnonymous() && $anonymous_contact == COMMENT_ANONYMOUS_MUST_CONTACT), '#maxlength' => 60, '#access' => $this ->currentUser->isAnonymous() || $is_admin , '#size' => 30, '#attributes' => [ 'data-drupal-default-value' => $config ->get( 'anonymous' ), ], ); if ( $is_admin ) { // When editing a comment only display the name textfield if the uid field // is empty. $form [ 'author' ][ 'name' ][ '#states' ] = [ 'visible' => [ ':input[name="uid"]' => array ( 'empty' => TRUE), ], ]; } // Add author email and homepage fields depending on the current user. $form [ 'author' ][ 'mail' ] = array ( '#type' => 'email' , '#title' => $this ->t( 'Email' ), '#default_value' => $comment ->getAuthorEmail(), '#required' => ( $this ->currentUser->isAnonymous() && $anonymous_contact == COMMENT_ANONYMOUS_MUST_CONTACT), '#maxlength' => 64, '#size' => 30, '#description' => $this ->t( 'The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly.' ), '#access' => ( $comment ->getOwner()->isAnonymous() && $is_admin ) || ( $this ->currentUser->isAnonymous() && $anonymous_contact != COMMENT_ANONYMOUS_MAYNOT_CONTACT), ); $form [ 'author' ][ 'homepage' ] = array ( '#type' => 'url' , '#title' => $this ->t( 'Homepage' ), '#default_value' => $comment ->getHomepage(), '#maxlength' => 255, '#size' => 30, '#access' => $is_admin || ( $this ->currentUser->isAnonymous() && $anonymous_contact != COMMENT_ANONYMOUS_MAYNOT_CONTACT), ); // Add administrative comment publishing options. $form [ 'author' ][ 'date' ] = array ( '#type' => 'datetime' , '#title' => $this ->t( 'Authored on' ), '#default_value' => $date , '#size' => 20, '#access' => $is_admin , ); $form [ 'author' ][ 'status' ] = array ( '#type' => 'radios' , '#title' => $this ->t( 'Status' ), '#default_value' => $status , '#options' => array ( CommentInterface::PUBLISHED => $this ->t( 'Published' ), CommentInterface::NOT_PUBLISHED => $this ->t( 'Not published' ), ), '#access' => $is_admin , ); return parent::form( $form , $form_state , $comment ); } |
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