content_translation_form_language_content_settings_submit(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
Form submission handler for content_translation_admin_settings_form().
See also
- core/modules/content_translation/, line 319
- The content translation administration forms.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 | function content_translation_form_language_content_settings_submit( array $form , FormStateInterface $form_state ) { $entity_types = $form_state ->getValue( 'entity_types' ); $settings = & $form_state ->getValue( 'settings' ); // If an entity type is not translatable all its bundles and fields must be // marked as non-translatable. Similarly, if a bundle is made non-translatable // all of its fields will be not translatable. foreach ( $settings as $entity_type_id => & $entity_settings ) { foreach ( $entity_settings as $bundle => & $bundle_settings ) { $fields = \Drupal::entityManager()->getFieldDefinitions( $entity_type_id , $bundle ); if (! empty ( $bundle_settings [ 'translatable' ])) { $bundle_settings [ 'translatable' ] = $bundle_settings [ 'translatable' ] && $entity_types [ $entity_type_id ]; } if (! empty ( $bundle_settings [ 'fields' ])) { foreach ( $bundle_settings [ 'fields' ] as $field_name => $translatable ) { $translatable = $translatable && $bundle_settings [ 'translatable' ]; // If we have column settings and no column is translatable, no point // in making the field translatable. if (isset( $bundle_settings [ 'columns' ][ $field_name ]) && ! array_filter ( $bundle_settings [ 'columns' ][ $field_name ])) { $translatable = FALSE; } $field_config = $fields [ $field_name ]->getConfig( $bundle ); if ( $field_config ->isTranslatable() != $translatable ) { $field_config ->setTranslatable( $translatable ) ->save(); } } } if (isset( $bundle_settings [ 'translatable' ])) { // Store whether a bundle has translation enabled or not. \Drupal::service( 'content_translation.manager' )->setEnabled( $entity_type_id , $bundle , $bundle_settings [ 'translatable' ]); // Save translation_sync settings. if (! empty ( $bundle_settings [ 'columns' ])) { foreach ( $bundle_settings [ 'columns' ] as $field_name => $column_settings ) { $field_config = $fields [ $field_name ]->getConfig( $bundle ); if ( $field_config ->isTranslatable()) { $field_config ->setThirdPartySetting( 'content_translation' , 'translation_sync' , $column_settings ); } // If the field does not have translatable enabled we need to reset // the sync settings to their defaults. else { $field_config ->unsetThirdPartySetting( 'content_translation' , 'translation_sync' ); } $field_config ->save(); } } } } } // Ensure entity and menu router information are correctly rebuilt. \Drupal::entityManager()->clearCachedDefinitions(); \Drupal::service( 'router.builder' )->setRebuildNeeded(); } |
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