menu_local_tasks($level = 0)
Collects the local tasks (tabs) for the current route.
int $level: The level of tasks you ask for. Primary tasks are 0, secondary are 1.
Return value
array An array containing
- tabs: Local tasks for the requested level.
- route_name: The route name for the current page used to collect the local tasks.
See also
Related topics
- Menu system
- Define the navigation menus, local actions and tasks, and contextual links.
- core/includes/, line 111
- API for the Drupal menu system.
1 2 3 4 5 | function menu_local_tasks( $level = 0) { /** @var \Drupal\Core\Menu\LocalTaskManagerInterface $manager */ $manager = \Drupal::service( '' ); return $manager ->getLocalTasks(\Drupal::routeMatch()->getRouteName(), $level ); } |
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