responsive_image_build_source_attributes(ImageInterface $image, array $variables, BreakpointInterface $breakpoint, array $multipliers)
Helper function for template_preprocess_responsive_image().
Builds an array of attributes for <source> tags to be used in a <picture> tag. In other words, this function provides the attributes for each <source> tag in a <picture> tag.
In a responsive image style, each breakpoint has an image style mapping for each of its multipliers. An image style mapping can be either of two types: 'sizes' (meaning it will output a <source> tag with the 'sizes' attribute) or 'image_style' (meaning it will output a <source> tag based on the selected image style for this breakpoint and multiplier). A responsive image style can contain image style mappings of mixed types (both 'image_style' and 'sizes'). For example:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | $responsive_img_style = ResponsiveImageStyle::create( array ( 'id' => 'style_one' , 'label' => 'Style One' , 'breakpoint_group' => 'responsive_image_test_module' , )); $responsive_img_style ->addImageStyleMapping( '' , '1x' , array ( 'image_mapping_type' => 'image_style' , 'image_mapping' => 'thumbnail' , )) ->addImageStyleMapping( 'responsive_image_test_module.narrow' , '1x' , array ( 'image_mapping_type' => 'sizes' , 'image_mapping' => array ( 'sizes' => '(min-width: 700px) 700px, 100vw' , 'sizes_image_styles' => array ( 'large' => 'large' , 'medium' => 'medium' , ), ), )) ->save(); |
The above responsive image style will result in a <picture> tag like this:
1 2 3 4 5 | <picture> <source media= "(min-width: 0px)" srcset= "sites/default/files/styles/thumbnail/image.jpeg" /> <source media= "(min-width: 560px)" sizes= "(min-width: 700px) 700px, 100vw" srcset= "sites/default/files/styles/large/image.jpeg 480w, sites/default/files/styles/medium/image.jpeg 220w" /> <img srcset= "fallback.jpeg" /> picture> |
When all the images in the 'srcset' attribute of a <source> tag have the same MIME type, the source tag will get a 'mime-type' attribute as well. This way we can gain some front-end performance because browsers can select which image (<source> tag) to load based on the MIME types they support (which, for instance, can be beneficial for browsers supporting WebP). For example: A <source> tag can contain multiple images:
1 | <source [...] srcset= "image1.jpeg 1x, image2.jpeg 2x, image3.jpeg 3x" /> |
In the above example we can add the 'mime-type' attribute ('image/jpeg') since all images in the 'srcset' attribute of the <source> tag have the same MIME type. If a <source> tag were to look like this:
1 | <source [...] srcset= "image1.jpeg 1x, image2.webp 2x, image3.jpeg 3x" /> |
We can't add the 'mime-type' attribute ('image/jpeg' vs 'image/webp'). So in order to add the 'mime-type' attribute to the <source> tag all images in the 'srcset' attribute of the <source> tag need to be of the same MIME type. This way, a <picture> tag could look like this:
1 2 3 4 5 | <picture> <source [...] mime-type= "image/webp" srcset= "image1.webp 1x, image2.webp 2x, image3.webp 3x" /> <source [...] mime-type= "image/jpeg" srcset= "image1.jpeg 1x, image2.jpeg 2x, image3.jpeg 3x" /> <img srcset= "fallback.jpeg" /> picture> |
This way a browser can decide which <source> tag is preferred based on the MIME type. In other words, the MIME types of all images in one <source> tag need to be the same in order to set the 'mime-type' attribute but not all MIME types within the <picture> tag need to be the same.
For image style mappings of the type 'sizes', a width descriptor is added to each source. For example:
1 | <source media= "(min-width: 0px)" srcset= "image1.jpeg 100w" /> |
The width descriptor here is "100w". This way the browser knows this image is 100px wide without having to load it. According to the spec, a multiplier can not be present if a width descriptor is. For example: Valid:
1 | <source media= "(min-width:0px)" srcset= "img1.jpeg 50w, img2.jpeg=100w" /> |
1 | <source media= "(min-width:0px)" srcset= "img1.jpeg 50w 1x, img2.jpeg=100w 1x" /> |
Note: Since the specs do not allow width descriptors and multipliers combined inside one 'srcset' attribute, we either have to use something like
1 | <source [...] srcset= "image1.jpeg 1x, image2.webp 2x, image3.jpeg 3x" /> |
to support multipliers or
1 | <source [...] sizes "(min-width: 40em) 80vw, 100vw" srcset= "image1.jpeg 300w, image2.webp 600w, image3.jpeg 1200w" /> |
to support the 'sizes' attribute.
In theory people could add an image style mapping for the same breakpoint (but different multiplier) so the array contains an entry for breakpointA.1x and breakpointA.2x. If we would output those we will end up with something like
1 | <source [...] sizes= "(min-width: 40em) 80vw, 100vw" srcset= "a1.jpeg 300w 1x, a2.jpeg 600w 1x, a3.jpeg 1200w 1x, b1.jpeg 250w 2x, b2.jpeg 680w 2x, b3.jpeg 1240w 2x" /> |
which is illegal. So the solution is to merge both arrays into one and disregard the multiplier. Which, in this case, would output
1 | <source [...] sizes= "(min-width: 40em) 80vw, 100vw" srcset= "b1.jpeg 250w, a1.jpeg 300w, a2.jpeg 600w, b2.jpeg 680w, a3.jpeg 1200w, b3.jpeg 1240w" /> |
See for further information.
\Drupal\Core\Image\ImageInterface $image: The image to build the <source> tags for.
array $variables: An array with the following keys:
- responsive_image_style_id: The \Drupal\responsive_image\Entity\ResponsiveImageStyle ID.
- width: The width of the image (if known).
- height: The height of the image (if known).
- uri: The URI of the image file.
\Drupal\breakpoint\BreakpointInterface $breakpoint: The breakpoint for this source tag.
array $multipliers: An array with multipliers as keys and image style mappings as values.
Return value
\Drupal\Core\Template\Attribute[] An array of attributes for the source tag.
- core/modules/responsive_image/responsive_image.module, line 366
- Responsive image display formatter for image fields.
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