
Enables the organization of content into categories.




Name Description
taxonomy_build_node_index Builds and inserts taxonomy index entries for a given node.
taxonomy_check_vocabulary_hierarchy Checks and updates the hierarchy flag of a vocabulary.
taxonomy_delete_node_index Deletes taxonomy index entries for a given node.
taxonomy_help Implements hook_help().
taxonomy_implode_tags Implodes a list of tags of a certain vocabulary into a string.
taxonomy_node_insert Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_insert() for node entities.
taxonomy_node_predelete Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_predelete() for node entities.
taxonomy_node_update Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_update() for node entities.
taxonomy_page_attachments_alter Implements hook_page_attachments_alter().
taxonomy_taxonomy_term_delete Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_delete() for taxonomy_term entities.
taxonomy_terms_static_reset Clear all static cache variables for terms.
taxonomy_term_is_page Returns whether the current page is the page of the passed-in term.
taxonomy_term_load Deprecated Return the taxonomy term entity matching a term ID.
taxonomy_term_load_multiple Deprecated Load multiple taxonomy terms based on certain conditions.
taxonomy_term_load_multiple_by_name Try to map a string to an existing term, as for glossary use.
taxonomy_term_title Title callback for term pages.
taxonomy_term_uri Entity URI callback.
taxonomy_term_view Generates an array which displays a term detail page.
taxonomy_term_view_multiple Constructs a drupal_render() style array from an array of loaded terms.
taxonomy_theme Implements hook_theme().
taxonomy_theme_suggestions_taxonomy_term Implements hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK().
taxonomy_vocabulary_get_names Get names for all taxonomy vocabularies.
taxonomy_vocabulary_load Deprecated Return the taxonomy vocabulary entity matching a vocabulary ID.
taxonomy_vocabulary_load_multiple Deprecated Loads multiple taxonomy vocabularies based on certain conditions.
taxonomy_vocabulary_static_reset Clear all static cache variables for vocabularies.
template_preprocess_taxonomy_term Prepares variables for taxonomy term templates.


Name Description
TAXONOMY_HIERARCHY_DISABLED Deprecated Denotes that no term in the vocabulary has a parent.
TAXONOMY_HIERARCHY_MULTIPLE Deprecated Denotes that one or more terms in the vocabulary have multiple parents.
TAXONOMY_HIERARCHY_SINGLE Deprecated Denotes that one or more terms in the vocabulary has a single parent.
2025-01-10 15:47:30
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